The UnPHIed Field could have everything to do with 9 since all of the vertice points and face angles all are equal to 9. Dodeca Fractal PHI Geometry would account for a relative constant velocity on the outskirts of a toroid ; however as the center vortex is approached, frequency would increase and wavelength would decrease causing non interfering waves to converge on the center point of the pent pyramid.

Synchronicity increases as time knits. Time is the thread at each end and becomes one in the center.
share points in time
They Co(me)-inside.
Points of Time become uniPhied by the Crystal Prism and the warp of linear time in the Dodeca geometry. The more insphired we become - the more we are in the Present/Presence, time collapses -
Oh! howTime Phi-s
when you are having fun
SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS is when life flows and one's thoughts and desires manifest immediately and with Synchronicity
2 Points To 1 Point
Conical Coil
forms Vortex=
Increased Frequency
Decreased Wavelength
Waveform of PHI
Forms Phi nesting Structure
Duality to unity
PHI unites the Whole I Sphirit
20 Vertice Points
12 Faces
Structure of Phi
2 Stellated Points
Synchronicities 11:11
Living in Non Duality
Stellated Dodeca 12 Points, 60 Faces
Crystalized world
All Communication UniPHIed by geometry of time flow
12 Stellated points
12 Strand DNA??
Zodiac and Chakras Crystalized
Multi-dimensionality, Telepathy
All Knowing
2 pent Pyramids together form 12 pointed Icosa
2 to 12
UniPHIed Field =Superconsciousness = Raising DNA from 2 to 12 Strand

2 Strand DNA (one linear direction) to 12 Strand DNA (InPHInit directions and points in Space)
UniPHIed Field - Vertical Chart