Extreme Forgiveness of Self for attracting whatever situation and Acceptance of others as they are is key to balancing all karma and getting off the recycling wheel of repeating lessons. STOP Blaming!!

When you decide to get off the karmic wheel of constant velocity (distance/time) around the circle of the planets and stars, you enter the vortex of gravity which in of itself is acceleration (distance/time )
-the quickest way to graduate earth's schoolroom is to enter the path of selfless service, surrender all ego and attachment, and leave a legacy (share)
All of the problems around you are your creation. Forgive yourself and enter the tornado. Your life will change. This is geometry of the Ascension.
Forgiveness - Just break all ties that keep you on the wheel. Forgive even the worst elements in the world because they are only a reflection of you and everyone else. They are the mirror of what YOU created.
(yes even TPTB - cut your ties now)
Ho'oponopono ---Teaching is SO simple but it is the best example of how to finish up and graduate.
All people that come into your aura can be healed by your own forgiveness of yourself.
Heal and be healed
Karmic Wheel
Duality and Polarity
What you Sow and Reap
What goes around comes around
Repeating of failed lessons

The 5 S's are easy for children and adults to remember. When you master the Material/ Success number 8, you are ready for the initiations of the number 9. They are actually simple and are keywords to your Ascension. You can not take the material world with you. You live your life in world service and always in a space of trusting the great Sphirit and not being attached to anything. Working hard without attachment is the quickest way to balance Karma.