The letter S is the 19th letter. It represents the relationship between 1 and 9, beginning and end, like Alpha and Omega. The shape of S is also like the Tai Chi. It is a polarity/spin reversal or ZERO POINT . Vision and Devotion with no resistance transcends Time = 5d
9 is the Number of completion and keywords are: Sacrifice, Service, Selflessness, Surrender, and Share. These words are part of the shortest path to graduation/Ascension from this 3d/4d schoolroom.
Apex angles = 36° X 5 =180°= 9
All Angles of Pent/Dodeca = 9
9 is that place of peace and presence between in and outbreaths.
The 10 petal Solar Plexus Chakra, the breath, is 5 in, and 5 out. This is the only PHI (5) based Chakra. This chakra has everything to do with the Inner Temple - I am that I AM, The Kingdom Within. That point between breaths is the TAO/ Stillpoint/Wormhole/ Presence where the spin changes from Counter Clockwise to Clockwise
The Satanists hijacked the sacred pentagram and repelled most Christians from using it.
PHI, 5, .618... bring ALL numbers and frequencies to ZERO Point without interfering waves. The Golden Ratio /PHI/Ø uniPHIs by the Whole I Sphirit which = 999
Elohim = 9
Plural Gods = 5, 9
UniPHIed field = 5, 9
De Votion = 9, 5
Ye Are Gods = 3 6 9
Love = 9
I Am Alpha and Omega -The Beginning and the End"
Phi is the portal to 5d and the Age of Aquarius
I Am that I Am is the name of God given to Moses. Some bibles translate it to be I Am who I Am. Using who instead of that could be significant in that WHO = 1 Numerologically, which makes more sense connecting to zero point being 1. There are lots of hidden keys in that name to understand what is meant by the holy of holies ( Whole I of Whole I's) and the mysteries of the kingdom being within, and perhaps the inPHInitely repeating Dodeca within.
I Am that I Am - the name of Creator God or Source Energy fits the puzzle perfectly. The center is Alpha which numerologically 9 11 ( consonants = 9 Vowels = 11). Omega representing mother/Matter = 3 11 which = 5