3-6-9 creates the strait lines or Standing waves of the Pent geometry unlike the waves that are curves and oscillate
3-6-9 lines allow perfect compression and geometry
3-6-9 allows for differing perspectives of time and most likely IS the TimeAxis
3-6-9 is the Vertical bar of the Vortexical Cross
Tesla said, "If you only knew the magnificance of the 3,6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe". He also talked much and worked with Standing Waves. The 3-6-9 axis of the Tetra is from point to point on a Star Tetrahedron, and the diagonal of a cube. The 3-6-9 directly connects to the universal source, and has the quality of instantaneous time travel. It is the central coridor of a portal. It is the Vertical Bar of the 3d Vortexical Cross as shown below. The six numbers of the 1 2 4 8 7 5 series carry 3 primary and 3 secondary colors of the Prism/Prison material world which is an off shoot of the light of the sun, which

is the same light that travels through the diagonal of the Tetra Cube. Very simply - it is the straight line standing wave that creates the geometry of the platonic solids, without the curved waves of the 1 2 4 8 7 5 sequence.
The Numerology of Ye Are Gods = 3 6 9