Invocation -The chanting of sacred sounds, whether it be mantras, rosary, prayers out loud, decrees, or just sounding the Aum, are powerful especially when the emotion of devotion is engaged. The body is like a singing crystal bowl that vibrates. The repetitive sounds from your voice will build up a forcefield and ring your own crystal within, thus raising you to a higher vibration. The Cerebral spinal fluid is the liquid crystal that permeates your entire body. As you raise your vibration, so does the brightness of your Aura increase.
The Violet Phire can take any frequency, including lower vibrations of hatred, pride, lust, greed, etc. and transmute them into pure white light in the still point of the vortex as you reduce waves by .618.. the Golden atio.
This is a true Story. Just ask him who really won that game for him.
I never liked the traditional Hail Mary - It is simply a curse affirming ourselves to be sinners, and is not in present tense. I changed the words to be universal and positive. Mary is the Mother Ray - Ma Ray - the Divine Feminine. The fruit of the womb is ALL children.