The Internal Stargate is the PHIre Breath of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Extreme Forgiveness of Self for attracting whatever and Acceptance of others as they are is key to balancing all karma and getting off the recycling wheel of repeating lessons.
Below is the 1st Template posted on RMN, that inspired The Internal Stargate Series. When I needed a name for the series the picture below was inspirational due to the picture of the hallway appearing like a portal. Next was the Breath, 5 + 5 = 10 on the solar plexus chakra, and finally Doing the numerology on 1 and 10. Just look at the Stargate Words that = 1 and 10
Diaphragm is the muscle that regulates in and out breaths (2), and the gateway of breathing.
ONLY The 10 Petal Solar Plexus Chakra is a multiple of 5. (PHIve) x 2 breaths =10
There are also 5 organs of primary digestion in the fire (PHIre) element, Leo, right under the diaphram around the Solar Plexus Chakra.
2 PENTAGRAMS, (5+5), housing nature's perfect fractal, PHI, allow perfect compression of waves and an interdimensional crossing, a Stargate, without creating a black hole.
Fusion occurs at the stillpoint creating SUN/STAR light.
Each PENT stellates, forming 2 PENT Pyramids. When they reach perfect phase and coherence they interlock forming an ICOSAHEDRON which has 12 points of light.
Crystalization occurs (Christ-all)
The Solar plexus is also called the SUN Center.
Zero Point
Still Point
Every Breath is a CREATION
Breathe in thru upper chakras, hold, and breathe out and materialize in lower chakras

When you decide to get off the karmic wheel of constant velocity (distance/time) around the circle of the planets and stars, you enter the vortex of gravity which in of itself is ACCELERATION (distance/time ) Freefall by Trust and Surrender to source.
-the quickest way to graduate earth's schoolroom is to enter the path of selfless service, surrender all ego and, attachment, and forgive ALL.
And Acceptance of what is.
All of the problems around you are your creation. Forgive yourself and enter the tornado. Your life will change. This is geometry of the Ascension.
Forgiveness - Just break all ties that keep you on the wheel. Forgive even the worst elements in the world because they are only a reflection of you and everyone else. They are the mirror of what YOU created.
Ho'oponopono ---Teaching is SO simple but it is the best example of how to finish up and graduate. " I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Thank You."
Every out-Breath sends out an
Initiatory Astrological Wave -a new creation or re-creation of an old pattern or karmic record that will cycle around and return.
When you hold your breath it is very hard to be negative